PetroPhase is a conference dedicated to the study of the properties and chemistry of petroleum fluids and their effect on producing, processing, and refining in the upstream, mid-stream, and downstream industries. The conference was first started in 1999 as “The International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior & Fouling” and has since evolved into an annual event alternating venues among international cities. It has been fortunate to have enjoyed financial and organizational support from many academic and industrial organizations through the years. In particular, the conference is traditionally organized each year by different volunteer organizations.
Total, the University of Pau and the University of Rouen-Normandy are Proud to organize the 18th PetroPhase conference.
The 18th PetroPhase Conference will be held in Le Havre (Normandie, France) conference center from June 11 – 15, 2017. The conference will have oral and poster presentations from leading experts in academia and industry. In addition, the conference receptions and social events allow attendees ample opportunities to interact with colleagues working in or in the support of the petroleum industry. Opportunities also exist for scientific equipment vendors to exhibit products.
Petrophase 2017 Book of Abstracts
Le Havre map

Energy & Fuels special issue:
Conference participants are encouraged to submit manuscripts based on presentations and posters delivered at Petrophase 2017 to ENERGY & FUELS. The deadline for submission is September 15, 2017. Accepted manuscripts will be published on the web as soon as they are accepted and will appear in a special issue of ENERGY & FUELS early in 2018. Please follow the content and formatting instructions prior to submission and note that submitted manuscripts will be subject to the normal review process at the journal. Don’t forget to select Petrophase 2017 on the special issue tab and mention Petrophase in the cover letter! For details regarding the manuscript preparation and submission process, please visit the journal web site:
Major topics for the conference include:
Petroleum Chemistry – Analysis and characterization of petroleum chemical species including asphaltenes, resins, waxes, naphthenates, etc.
Invited Speaker: Ryan Patrick Rodgers
Petroleum Properties – Phase equilibria, physical properties, physical & chemical associations, fluid interactions, etc.
Invited Speaker: Harvey Yarranton
Emulsions – From fundamental studies to field experience in the understanding and handling petroleum oil-in-water and/or water-in-oil emulsions issues in production and processing operations for petroleum production and refining.
Invited Speaker: Dominique Langevin
Flow Assurance – From fundamental studies to field experience in the understanding and management of flow assurance issues related to wax, asphaltenes, and naphthenic acid salts.
Invited Speaker: Daniel Merino Garcia
Upgrading & Fouling in Refining – From fundamental studies to field experience in the understanding and management of fouling from asphaltenes, coking, and long chain polymerization (gum deposits) in heat exchangers, furnaces, and other refinery units as well as upgrading of heavy oil.
Invited Speaker: Nicoletta Panariti
Shale Oil & Gas and EOR – Studies related to shale oil, shale gas and enhanced oil recovery.
Invited Speaker: Maurice Bourrel
For further information, please visit the other website sections and/or contact appropriate Conference contacts listed on the website.
If you need any additional information please send an e-mail to: